Part 21: Update XX - Fighting back
Update XX - Fighting back
Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor

...Now that they've been penalized, we should at least try to attack them, right?
You could barely see them in the level preview, but Dan and Robin were near the exit portal.
So let's get right to it, shall we?

With a hand on their weapon, my Servant squints their eyes upon hearing Dan's and Archer's words.

You're one to talk. Who is the one creeping around like rodent right now, huh?

Even when you were a living hero, you hid in the shadows so often that you can no longer fight in the sun. Ah, I see. Maybe you're jealous of that old man and are trying to be like him, appearing openly like this.
Wow, Caster's really going for the jugular today.

Caster's words seem to take Archer totally by surprise, as if her words touch on the enemy's very core. For a moment, his normally calm demeanor became incredibly flustered.

Archer's eyes shine with evil intent. As he reaches under his cape, I fear he may unleash his
Noble Phantasm.
In case his identity wasn't obvious enough, Sherwood Forest really makes it clear.

Yeah, yeah, I know. ...Sir Bossman, your request is kind of a pain in the ass, you know? You do realize who I am, don't you? Asking me to fight toe-to-toe... Are you drunk or something?

My looks, maybe? My sweet, handsome face! Alas, its powers only work on simple village lasses!

You wish to complain? Is your prowess as a hunter so dependent upon the power of the Faceless King?, I mean... Even I get nervous around that, okay? I do have pride in my archery skills, though.

Then fight with that in mind. A sniper such as myself would know more than anyone else about your skills. And what I know would send chills through most people. I have confidence in you, Archer.

...It's not like I have a choice. I disapprove of all of this, but I will obey. He is my Master, after all. Fortunately for me, my opponent is a mere chick. I rarely attack directly, but it shouldn't matter in this case.

Master, I think there's something wrong with my ears. I just heard something that's beyond moronic.

Ah. I was just struck with a thought. I will never get along with green boy.

I was thinking the same about a certain overgrown fox. Your Master is a rookie. Clear enough for you?

I get it now. It's not my ears that are at fault, but that diseased lump you call your brain. I thought so. Or did you intend for your pathetic mewling to be some kind of riotous joke? I was hoping for a bit more sincerity in your sarcasm... Seriously, is bird and fox the best you can do? But considering your position as a self-proclaimed pseudo-hero, maybe being imaginative is beyond you.
Hakuno getting poisoned must have really got to Caster, she's downright venomous compared to her remarks against Shinji and Drake.

...Goddamned fox. But then again, I was always pretty good at hunting down foxes. Sorry, but this is where things get serious. Cry and beg all you want, I won't forgive you.

Is that so? I pity weaklings like you, but if that was a joke I'd only leave you half-dead. If you were even one percent serious, I'd never forgive you. I think you need to
die. Now.

I'm turning you into a pincushion right now! It's been a while since I've hunted such interesting game!
Music: Duel - Unauthorized Battle

Commence battle.
We're near the end of the week, but we finally got a duel against Dan!
You can also see how Robin has double Drake's HP, but our own damage output has skyrocketed compared to last week.
Two guards in a row means this'll be a good time to show off Spirit Taker, so I use a Curse to create an opening.
Land the stun.
Buff up.
14 MP.
And 17 MP, for a total of 31. That paid off the Curse in one round!
I'm just fooling around while I wait for the system to break us up.
It goes poorly.
He also used a skill, giving us our first taste of Poison.
Poison here is a surprisingly nasty ailment. Robin's version deals around 130 damage at the end of a round, which is about as much as a full attack! And with Caster having no way to heal HP or cure the poison, it puts me in a tight spot. If I'm already injured and heal the damage, I take another 130. If I heal the poison instead, all it takes are a few losses to finish Caster off.
However, I am a tactical god, and queued up a cure(); to deal with the poison before it could ever tick!
I am not a tactical god, my plan was to use a heal to patch up any hits I took in the round and messed up my input without noticing.
Dan steps in on the last turn.
But I have more than enough MP to brute force it.
Dan tosses Robin a buff.
He can also give him a regen effect, but I could never get him to use it.
Wall of Thorns is Robin's other offensive skill. It lacks the poison on Poisoned Arrow, but deals more damage to compensate.
And done.
Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor

I will not allow vulgar and petulant language, Archer. As my Servant, I wish for you to behave as a

Ugh... You sure are suffocating, Mr. Boss Man. I know, I know, foul play and stuff is a no-no. ...Jeez, cut off my arms and legs already. Ever heard of these things people have called personalities? Well, if I have to, the best archers can shoot with their teeth... Ha, pretty hardcore! All right, I'll be your knight in shining armor. I'm not so hot at being a knight, but I'm not too bad with a lance.

Excellent spirit. We are already en route to the next battlefield. Do not let your focus sway.

Once we're sure that Dan and Archer have left, Caster relaxes a little. A small smile forms on her lips.

Did you hear, Master? He spoke of where he was from.
Sherwood Forest. That woman, Rani or whatever, her astrology reading was extraordinary. She was right on the mark.

Also, Dan mentioned a fairly important keyword, the
Faceless King. With this new info, I think I'm closing in on Archer's true name. I should look into this more when I return to campus.
Strangely, even though Hakuno flat out called Faceless King a keyword, it doesn't show up in the Matrix.
Sherword Forest posted:
In the distant past, it was the forest said to be the place where a famous chivalrous thief fought against the tyranny of John, Richard the Lionheart's younger brother and ruler in absentia while Richard was away on the Crusades. It is also a forest that, according to Druid beliefs, is where the fairies dwell.
But with that, we're set for the Elimination Battle.
Music: School III
Music: School IV

Caster is so perceptive. When I glance over, she looks genuinely concerned about me.

It's fine. I'm not going to let that backwoods scoundrel get the best of me! See? You'll be fine because you are with me, Master!

Her smile makes everything all right. I can't help believing her when she says things are fine. But, there's still something I need to ask her Will she use her Noble Phantasm?

Hmmm... If you'd like to see it... But, I don't need it to deal with this guy. Do you believe in me, Master?
I believe you'll win.

Yeah! I'll put in 200%, just watch me! I'll burn the enemy Servant's green into black cinders! *Giggle*... Without his trademark color, that sly fox will have an identity crisis!
Your ears are cute.

...Huh? O-Okay? ...Er...that's not what I mean. But, I'll do my absolute best if you'll believe in me, Master!
The choices converge here.

Can I ask you a little favor? Um, if you win, please... praise me.

After talking to Caster, I feel like all the butterflies in my stomach have disappeared. I wish I could bottle this good feeling and take it to the battle tomorrow. For now, though, I'll finish my preparations.

You... Sorry, I didn't realize you were still alive.

So, you've got that much more
information about him. That's a good thing. Predicting your enemy's moves gets easier the more you know.
Music: Down to Dawn
The yellow chat for this week takes place all the way on Day 6.

Let all your cares drift away, especially the ones about that bad, bad man!

Now that we're back in our room, a smile's back on Caster's face. Even though the poisoning put her in a foul mood, she seems to have put it behind her. In fact, you'd think the poisoning was ancient history. I worry that she's too ADD sometimes...

Poo. You just thought "She's an airhead," didn't you, Master?

I dodge the question with a vigorous shake of the head.

Harumph. My memory is as sound as any human's, you know! I just don't pay attention to things that I don't care about.

Caster pouts. She's sensitive to criticism, so she doesn't like her flightiness being pointed out.

More importantly, now that we're two rounds in to the Holy Grail War, do you feel more comfortable, Master? Do you need more support? Do you need anything more at all, not just in the Arena... Oh! Maybe you would prefer more intimate time with me Oh my! I can't believe I said that out loud! How embarrassing!

She's embarrassed? I'M the embarrassed one! Why Caster puts on this innocent persona, I have no clue. It's more faux than her fur.
Hakuno Kishinami: Bad at puzzling out true names, great at giving an
I'm getting used to fighting.

Battles are becoming second nature to me. Enemy Master interference aside, exploring the Arena is fun.

That's so great, Master. You really know how to make a Servant proud. It's nice to see a former combat virgin speaking so confidently. But there's more to learn!

Let's keep exploring together, my dearest Master. ♥

...Although combat is becoming normal, Caster's personality still throws me for a loop. She's always enthusiastic about helping me, but at the same time, she disengages pretty quickly.
I'm getting used to you.

...I'm still not used to combat. In fact, it may not feel like second nature until tournament's end. What I AM getting used to... The person whose soothing presence I'm taking for her. Her strange take on things is often a breath of fresh air. I use this opportunity to thank her for being herself.

Master, you flatter me! I don't deserve it... Um, but, uh... Do I act that strangely? I just... It's odd to thank someone for being odd...

She's right. I guess that makes me the weird one for taking such pleasure in her idiosyncrasies. I'd rather she speak what's really on her mind than obscure the truth.

...I see. Thank you so much, Master. But, I'm still a little embarrassed.

Caster murmurs her words. ...There's an uncharacteristic note of melancholy to her tone.
You're a tricksy one.

It's the one where the man can't resist the urge to open the door, even though he was asked not to.
Welp, we're dead. Thanks for following along, dear readers.

Caster smiles as she traces symbols in the air with her left hand. If I remember correctly, I've seen her use those symbols in combat to place a curse on an opponent.

Or the story of the The Snow Woman? The one where a man lets slip a secret he shouldn't have, even though the Snow Woman had warned the man he would die if he told anyone about her... I've been wondering... Why do men always have to push things? Do they want to die? Or do they want to be killed? I'll never understand how men think. By the way, Master, what were you saying...? I missed it earlier.

Oh, good. I protect my Master as if I are a shrine maiden, and my Master's body is a temple, but... When my Master compares me to that green-clad trickster, I am reminded that I, too, am a devious fox.

Note to self. Things Caster doesn't like That enemy Servant, man-made poison, bows and arrows... At any rate... Which is she the shrine maiden or the fox?

Anyway, isn't it nice to relax like this?! Your lovely Servant would like to give you a treat. Close your eyes and open your mouth... Oops, not that kind of treat. I meant, why don't you ask anything you want about me, and I'll answer!

Caster hands me something unusual. It's a calligraphy brush. She then produces paper and an inkstone God knows where she got them. Seated in perfect posture, Caster flourishes her brush elegantly across the paper, writing "Just one question, okay?" Wow, her handwriting is so girly she's practically using hearts in it. All right, then
Tell me about your abilities.

I write my question on the paper. "Why are you so incredibly weak?"
Hakuno, that's incredibly rude.

What?! That's what you think of me?!

Well, duh, that's what I think. It's obvious that Caster is weak compared to the other Servants. Since her abilities are so unique, I'd like to hear her explain how she got them and what they do.

Hmph, it's not my fault! Servants can only carry out their Masters' orders, after all. My body is yours to command, so you just need to be able to move me, and I will fight... Maybe if you weren't so wishy-washy about each battle, combat wouldn't be such a chore!

Oops, she got upset. Caster turns her face away, and sticks up her tail and ears. ...But she's only so upset because she knows herself that her abilities are unbalanced.

Of course I know that. How would I win against other Servants in close range combat if I didn't? What do you think my class is? I'm an alluring, mystical, weak and good-for-nothing Caster! Casters are the Holy Grail War's second-string Servants. They're the first to be eliminated! The least you could do is show some sympathy toward me for belonging to such a terrible class! If I had a choice, I'd be a Saber!
Could be worse, Caster, you could have been summoned as an Assassin instead.

Sounds like the whining of a beat dog or in this case, a beat fox.

...Well, I guess there's no point in complaining. We're not even good against other Casters, since our fighting styles rely on illusion.

I'm not made for close-range combat anyway. Military campaigns are more my style! But, you know, all the Japanese spirits are my clones. I like to think I'm the equivalent of eight million soldiersor one invincible entity against humans. ...Yeah, that's why I'm so weak against the hero types.
This is something of a recurring theme in the Fate series, most notably between the dragon Fafnir, the hero Siegfried, and the people he saved.

I know what a deadlock is, but have only heard of it happening between snakes, frogs and slugs in fables. Snakes eat frogs, frogs eat slugs, and slugs eat snakes. It's like rock-paper-scissors.

Humans can't beat monsters. Monsters can't beat heroes. And heroes can't beat humans.
But, doesn't that mean Caster is a monster?

...Oops, sorry! I got off track. Anyway, a Caster like me is just not cut out for close combat.
Stop being aware of game conventions, Caster.

The more you grow as a Master, the more maleficium I will regain! So, hang in there, Master! Meanwhile, just think of it this way. It doesn't matter how powerful an attack is if you dodge it.

...So, she's telling me it's out of her hands. Not like I could replace my Servant, even if I wanted to. I need to accept her limitations and work harder myself to make up the difference.
The scene ends here with this choice.
Tell me about things you like.

I wonder what Caster likes to do. Does she have any hobbies? Any kind of information she can give me will shed light on her mysterious personality.

Oh my! You want to know my tastes? I never expected my prudish Master to be so forward!

...Actually, it might be better to leave her a mystery. I thought Caster was just pretending to be bubbly, but now I realize her energy might be animal exuberance.

Um, I like taking trips to hot springs. It's not the hot springs I like, but the trip itself. A romantic excursion for two! I like cooking, too. Not the cooking itself, but the love the wife pours into a meal for her husband! The important part of cooking for the wife is watching her husband consume her love. I like presents, too. I would be so tickled if my Master picked out a present for me. Unless my Master gave me a cheap gift Then I would be sad.

Okay, is it just me or in anime is it always the pink-haired girls who are the frisky ones?
Oh no, Caster's meta knowledge is contagious, all is lost!

I just had a happy thought! We're like newlyweds, Master! Because I'm so happy just to be here with you!

Aren't you happy, Master? I know things are busy, but don't forget what I said. Next time we have a break, I'll make you lunch! I'd love it if you got me a present, but you don't have to... The most important thing is that we go places together.

Caster's sweet smile steals my breath away. ...I'll be the first to admit that I have no idea how serious she is, but she sure has a brilliant smile.
This also ends the scene.
...Tell me your true name.

...If I can only ask Caster one question, then obviously I ought to ask about her true name. Her name is a key piece of strategic information...and yeah, I'm really curious to know who she was.

Uuugh... I know I said I'd answer anything, but... Do you really want to know? You won't like me anymore once you hear it...
How can I say before I know?

I have to know what it is before I can make any sort of judgment. ...I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think I'll be as surprised as she thinks I'm going to be.

Nnngh... Don't look at me like that, Master. Your gaze is making me melt... No! I can't!
Oh look, a spelling mistake!
I can't really blame Aksys, honestly, this is an incredibly wordy game. Some slip-ups are bound to happen.

I won't tell you! I won't! My chest is all squeezy now, so this Q&A session is over!
Caster vanishes from her seat.

Caster flees to the back of the room, flailing her arms. ...Could it be more psychological barrier than strategy that's leading her to conceal her true name...? Although we're only in the second round, my trust in her is already unshakable at this point. ...Seriously though, what in the world makes her think that I'd be disgusted by her true identity?
Caster must have one hell of a checkered past. She called herself a monster, she's convinced her true name would scare us off, and she intentionally tries to avoid thinking about the past. But despite all that, she invokes the sun, of all things, when threatening Robin. Who the hell is she?
If she doesn't want to tell, I won't ask.

...If the thought of revealing her true name stresses Caster out so much, I'll stop asking. I won't press the matter further.

You're so understanding, Master. I promise I'll tell you my true name before you need to know. ...But, you make me a sad fox. You're not as interested in me as I thought you were...
And despite all that, she still wants to be accepted by Hakuno.

...? She trails off, mumbling to where I can't hear. Then Caster rambles on, with her usual smile fixed back in place.
Both choices end the scene.
Music: School IV

Your luck won't hold out twice in a row. Good-bye, Hakuno.

If you can win this battle, then I'll have to start worrying.

There's an awful lot you need to learn about your enemy before you can find out their
real name. You can fight without knowing, but it's so much better when you have the whole picture.

Your battles from here on out will be pretty difficult.

Avoid using up your MP, so that you don't shortchange yourself for when you really need it.

If you need to find your
Triggers or gain more
information, today is the last day to do so.

One must have resolve to accomplish anything worthwhile. I wonder how strong yours is?

As a token of my appreciation, allow me to present to you this fabulous
decorative plant!

I'll be sure to give the
glasses back to her, so don't worry about doing it yourself.
We now have some trees to add a bit of green to our room.

You should know by now No pain, no gain!

Father Kotomine supposedly came up with the recipe. I heard he can put away five servings... I can't wait to test my mettle, and my tolerance for spices... I must somehow survive!

Have you stocked up at the
commissary yet? You can shop on the final day, but why wait? Getting all of your preparation done early will let you focus on more important things.

Virtual or not, this is the Holy Grail War. And it's called a war for a very good reason. Here, losing just doesn't mean a hit to your pride, but the end to your very existence. Hopefully you and I will be able to speak again, Hakuno. Good luck with your battle tomorrow.

The more I see of this place, the more I regret ever signing up for this whole ordeal. ...If I go down, promise me that you'll keep my honey company, okay? I'm serious about this.
Music: First Chimeric Lunar Sea - Second Floor
Now, I could just turn around and leave, there's nothing important left to do.
But I really want that Curse skill for the fight against Dan.
So I grind out a quick level.
Music: School III

So, tell me I've done a good job when the battle is over!
Next time: The Elimination Battle